

Fertilization / Syngamy Mechanism of fertilization

Fertilization / Syngamy

Reproduction in Animals | Biology Class 12th Biology | Fertilization | Syngamy Mechanism of fertilization Significance of fertilization

  • Fertilization is the process in which fusion of the haploid male and female gametes takes place and form diploid zygote
  • In sexual reproducing organisms this process is common.
  • In mammal the fertilization is internal, and it usually takes place in the ampulla of the fallopian tube .
  • The zygote develops into embryo in uterus.

Mechanism of fertilization  

  • Coagulated  Semen (Sperm and some secretion)  are ejaculate during ejaculation
  • undergo liquefaction  and sperms become active.
  • The mechanism of fertilization is as follows 

    A. Movement of sperm towards egg
    B. Entry of sperm into the egg
    C. Activation of ovum

1. Movement of sperm towards egg

Involves Capacitation of sperms Making it possible for penetrate the ovum

Enter millions of sperm 50% are destroyed.

Few are undergo capacitation. This process requires 5-6 hours

Tail show rapid whiplash movements acrosome membrane becomes thin become extra active start moving to the oviducts

The prostaglandins activate the sperms and vestibular secretions enhance sperms motility

The movement of sperm to word egg is  1.5 to 3.0 mm/min.

Sperm reach to amulla  by self movement and contraction of uterus and fallopian tubes this is  stimulated by oxytocin of female.

After capacitation the sperms may reach ampulla within 5 minutes.

Sperms can remain viable for 24-48 hours (ovum for about 24 hours).

B. Entry of sperm into the egg

Out of millions of sperm few hundred reach to ampulla and only one of them fertilize the ovum.

After reaching to egg acrosome relases the lysins: hyaluronidase and corona penetrating enzymes.

Dissolve all membranes and sperm head passes through the zona pellucida of egg.

Zona pellucida has fertilizin receptor proteins (zp3, zp2).

The fertilizin binds to specific acid protein- antifertilizin of sperm.

It brings about attraction of sperms to the egg to enhance fertilization.

Fertilizin-antifertilizin interaction is species specific.

Thus, the fertilizin-antifertilizin reaction is also called compatibility reaction.

        Acrosome Reaction

Acrosome covering rupture and lytic enzyme Acrosine or zona lysine is release.

They act on the zona pellucida at the point of contact.

Fertilization cone is formed on egg membrane.

Sperm head connect to egg and weak wave of depolarization is produce.

Membrane of both cell are dissolve and sperm nucleus and the centrioles enter the egg

After sucssefule entry of sperm head the vitelline membrane change  into a fertilization membrane by deactivating the sperm receptors of zona pellucid.

A distinct perivitelline space is created around the fertilization membrane

This prevent entry of other sperm and avid polyspermy.

C. Activation of ovum 

When sperm head contact to vitelline membrane of egg the ovum complete its meiosis II

Before the  fertilization it was at metaphase II stage.

It gives out the second polar body.

The germinal vesicle organises into female pronucleus.

Now  it is the true ovum or egg.

        Fusion of egg and sperm     

The coverings of male and female pronuclei degenerate allowing the chromosomal pairing.

This results in the formation of a synkaryon by the process called syngamy or karyogamy.

The zygote is thus formed.

 The proximal centriole received from the sperm helps in formation of the synkaryon spindle and cleavage of cell into two blastomeres.

Fertilization / Syngamy Mechanism of fertilization  

Significance of fertilization

Secondary oocyte completes the process of oogenesis and is transformed into a mature ovum (n).

The diploid chromosome number is restored in the zygote by the process of syngamy.

The ovum lacks the centrioles necessary for further divisions, are received from the sperm during fertilization.

Fertilization involves fusion of male and female gametes from the two parents.

It results in variations which are significant to evolution.

Reproduction in Animals | Biology Class 12th Biology | Fertilization | Syngamy Mechanism of fertilization | Significance of fertilization

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