

Organisms and Populations MCQ for MHTCET and NEET

Topic wise MCQ test for MHT-CET and NEET

13. Organisms and Populations         

(1) Which factor of an ecosystem includes plants, animals and microorganisms ?

(a) Biotic factor

(b) Abiotic factor

(c) Direct factor

(d) Indirect factor

Answer:-  (a) Biotic factor


(2) A n assemblage of individuals of different species living in the same habitat and having functional

interactions is .......... .

(a) Biotic community             

(b) Ecological niche

(c) Population                        

(d) Ecosystem

Answer:- (a) Biotic community        


(3) Association between sea anemone and Hermit crab in gastropod shell is that of .......... .

(a) Mutualism             

(b) Commensalism     

(c) Parasitism             

(d) Amensalism

Answer:-  (b) Commensalism           


(4) Select the statement which explains best parasitism.

(a) One species is benefited.                                      

(b) Both the species are benefited.

(c) One species is benefited, other is not affected.   

(d) One species is benefited, other is harmed.

Answer:- (d) One species is benefited, other is harmed.


(5) Growth of bacteria in a newly inoculated agar plate shows .......... .

(a) exponential growth                      

(b) logistic growth

(c) Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth     

(d) zero growth

Answer:- (c) Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth


(6) All ecosystems on the earth together form .......... .

(a) biosphere  

(b) biome        

(c) living world          

(d) environment

Answer:- (a) biosphere          


(7) What is the mean annual temperature in the region of Arctic and Alpine tundra ?

(a) About –10 to 2 °C            

(b) About –2 to 2 °C  

(c) About 0 to 5 °C    

(d) About 5 to 10 °C

Answer:- (a) About –10 to 2 °C        


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(8) Which out of the following are the major biomes in India?

(I) Desert

(II) Grassland

(III) Tropical rain forest

(IV) Temperate forest

(V)Coniferous forest  

(VI) Deciduous Forest

(VII) Sea coast



(a) (II) (IV) (VI) (VII)                       

(b) (I) (II) (V) (VIII)

(c) (I) (III) (VI) (VII)                         

(d) (II) (III) (VI) (VIII)

Answer:- (c) (I) (III) (VI) (VII)        


(9) Important key elements that bring about variations in the different habitats are ..........

(a) temperature, water, light and soil             

(b) salinity, pollutants, water

(c) modern developmental parameters in the region 

(d) scientific progress and technological innovations

Answer:- (a) temperature, water, light and soil        


(10) Which out of the following is the most ecologically relevant factor ?

(a) Water        

(b) Temperature         

(c) Salinity     

(d) Wind speed

Answer:- (b) Temperature


(11) Animals that can tolerate a narrow range of temperature are ..........

(a) stenothermal         

(b) eurythermal          

(c) poikilothermic       

(d) homeothermic

Answer:- (a) stenothermal


(12) Animals that can tolerate a narrow range of salinity are ..........

(a) euryhaline 

(b) anadromous          

(c) catadromous         

(d) stenohaline

Answer:- (d) stenohaline


(13) What is the source of energy in the depths of more than 500 m in the oceans ?

(a) Sunlight                                        

(b) Wind energy

(c) Dead and decaying matter            

(d) Phytoplankton

Answer:- (c) Dead and decaying matter       


(14) Which factor does not determine percolation and water holding capacity of the soil ?

(a) Soil composition                           

(b) Grain size             

(c) Aggregation of soil particles                    

(d) Vegetation on that soil

Answer:- (d) Vegetation on that soil


(15) Which factors of soil does not determine the vegetation in any area ?

(a) pH             

(b) mineral composition         

(c) topography           

(d) types of microorganisms

Answer:- (d) types of microorganisms


(16) Find the odd one out:

(a) Dormancy             

(b) Hibernation          

(c) Aestivation           

(d) Migration

Answer:- (d) Migration


(17) Which of the following ability is present in the desert animals?

(a) Ability to concentrate urine.

(b) Ability to remain inside the shelters and escape need of water.

(c) Ability to derive water from all the fruits.

(d) Ability to absorb water from air.

Answer:-  (a) Ability to concentrate urine.


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(18) Which of the statement does not describe the adaptation of the desert plants ?

(a) Desert plants have a thick cuticle on their leaf surfaces.

(b) Desert plants have their stomata arranged in sunken pits.

(c) Desert plants have a special photosynthetic pathway called CAM.

(d) Desert plants have soft stems and large leaves.        

Answer:- (d) Desert plants have soft stems and large leaves.


(19) What is the use of CAM type of photosynthetic pathway for the desert plants ?

(a) It enables their stomata to remain closed during day time.

(b) It requires less sunlight for the photosynthesis.

(c) It requires less amount of chlorophyll during photosynthesis.

(d) The water absorbed from the soil by the plants during CAM photosynthetic pathway is less.

Answer:- (a) It enables their stomata to remain closed during day time.



(20) In which plant photosynthetic function is taken over by the flattened stems ?

(a) Nephrolepis                     

(b) Cycas                 

(c) Opuntia                                                                            

(d) Zea mays

Answer:- (c) Opuntia


(21) What is Allen’s rule ?

(a) Mammals from colder climates generally have shorter ears and limbs to minimise heat loss.

(b) Mammals have constant temperature of the body in spite of their varied habitats.

(c) Mammals can be oviparous at times.

(d) The ecosystem of cold climate regions is equally occupied with mammals, birds and reptiles.

Answer:- (a) Mammals from colder climates generally have shorter ears and limbs to minimise heat loss.


(22) Sunken stomata is the characteristic feature of ..........

(a) hydrophyte         

 (b) mesophyte            

(c) xerophyte                                                                          

(d) halophyte

Answer:- (c) xerophyte


(23) Which of the following pairs is correctly matched ?

(a) Uricotelism – aquatic habitat                                    

(b) Parasitism – intra-specific relationship

(c) Excessive perspiration – xeric adaptation                

(d) Stream-lined body – aquatic adaptation

Answer:- (d) Stream-lined body – aquatic adaptation


(24) World population day is observed on .......... .

(a) 11th July         

(b) 16th September         

 (c) 23rd October                                                            

(d) 1st December

Answer:- (a) 11th July         


(25) World Environment day is celebrated on .......... .

(a) 22nd April            

(b) 5th June    

(c) 1st October                       

(d) 16th November

Answer:- (b) 5th June


(26) World Earth day is observed on .......... .

(a) 22nd April            

(b) 5th June                

(c) 1st October                       

(d) 16th November

Answer:- (a) 22nd April        


(27) World ozone day is celebrated on .......... .

(a) 5th June                

(b)16th September     

(c) 1st October                       

(d) 23rd October

Answer:- (b)16th September 


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(28) A group of individuals belonging to the same species within an ecosystem is called a .......... .

(a) community            

(b) habitat      

(c) population             

(d) specific group

Answer:- (c) population        


(29) The populations of different species that live and interact together in the ecosystem are called…

(a) community            

(b) habitat      

(c) population             

(d) interspecies

Answer:- (a) community       


(30) If .......... do not occur in an ecosystem, the survival of organisms may not take place and functioning of ecosystem is lost.

(a) interactions           

(b) struggle     

(c) reproduction         

(d) none of the above

Answer:- (a) interactions

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Organisms and Populations

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